What Should Owners Do When They No Longer Have Time For Their Dogs?

Owning a dog is a big responsibility and it’s important that you consider it properly before you decide whether to get one or not. You need to really think about whether you have enough time to walk them regularly and spend time with them because it can be distressing for them to be left alone for long periods. But what happens if you did consider all of that, but now your circumstances have changed? It might be that you were working part time but you’ve been offered full-time work, or you have decided to go back to work after staying at home to look after the family. It can be difficult to decide what to do in these situations, but the important thing is that you always make sure that the dog is cared for. These are some of your options if your circumstances change when you own a dog. 

Speak With The Vet 

Some dogs are fine to be left alone during the day, as long as there is somebody to walk them before and after. But others will really struggle, especially if they are used to having you around all day long. That’s why it’s a good idea to speak to the vet and get a second opinion. Let them know what your situation is and see whether they think the dog will be ok or not. It might be that they will be ok to be left during the day, so you don’t need to worry about them. But if they cannot be left on their own, you will have to find some other solutions. 

Compromise With Work 

The first thing that you should do is see whether you can compromise with work in any way. If you are nearby, could you come home during your lunch hour and spend some time with the dog? Would your employer let you work from home some days so they are not always left alone? Some offices even allow dogs so you could ask about the possibility of bringing them in. 

Find Some Help 

If you can’t compromise with your employer, you will need to find some help. If you have a neighbour or family member nearby that is free during the day, they may be able to take the dog or at least pop round to spend some time with them. Alternatively, you can hire professional dog walking services to take care of your dog, but you have to consider the extra cost. As long as you can find somebody else to spend time with your dog, it’s ok to leave them and go to work. 

Consider Rehoming 

This isn’t something that you ever want to think about, but remember, the dog always comes first. If your situation is changing and you can no longer care for the dog properly, you should consider rehoming them. It’s a difficult thing to do, but if that is what is best for the dog, it’s important that you put them first. 

It’s always tough when your circumstances change and you can no longer be there for your dog. But hopefully, you should be able to find a solution that works for you and, most importantly, for your dog.


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