Keeping Your Dog Safe On Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night iѕ one оf thе biggеѕt causes оf stress thiѕ timе оf уеаr in the реt wоrld. Imаginе hеаring аll thоѕе lоud noises аnd flаѕhеѕ in thе ѕkу аnd nоt undеrѕtаnding where thеу are coming frоm or undеrѕtаnding thаt thеу асtuаllу аrе ѕаfе. It’s estimated that 45 percent of dogs in the UK show signs … Read more

Keeping Your Dog Healthy and Happy

We have spoken before about how important it is to keep your dog calm. Intelligent dogs, like our Newfoundland, Merrie, require frequent interaction, exercise and stimulation, or else they start to get hyperactive as they look for ways to release their energy and allay their boredom. But owning a dog is not only about managing … Read more

Groom Training Your Newfoundland Dog

Grooming is an essential practice for Newfoundland dog owners. When you have a newfie puppy you can begin to train it for grooming right away. Doing so early in the dogs life will keep it practicing these habits throughout it’s lifetime. Follow these simple steps for groom training your newfoundland dog. Groom Training A Newfie … Read more

Training Your Newfoundland Puppy Early

Training your Newfoundland Puppy early, is so important. It might be hard to imagine your fluff ball turning into a gentle giant. Newfoundland dogs grow to average weights of 100 to 150 lbs. It’s one thing to have undesirable behaviour from a small dog, yet they get ignored or excused more easily. A large dog … Read more

Merrie is loving the Scruffs Cool Mat

Who would have thought the first summer we have Merrie would be the hottest we can remember!! Newfoundlands are not known for their love of hot weather, in fact she would probably prefer the snow and rain, luckily, the very kind people at Scruffs had the perfect answer for keeping her cool, a  Scruffs Cool Mat … Read more

How to Train Your Dog to Be Calm

Most dogs are very spunky with lots of energy prancing with joy everywhere they go. But sometimes, these levels of energy are not normal and may pose behavioural problems in your dogs. If you have a dog that is hyperactive, it is important for you to train them to be with society. While this may … Read more

Is a Newfoundland Dog Right For Me?

If you are thinking about having a dog, of course, one of the first questions is what kind of dog is right for me? A lot of dog lovers now have a particular dog breed in mind. If you are considering Newfoundland dog breeds, here you will find basic information about the dog breeds. The dog was originally bred as a water dog, and they are big fans of swimming and enjoying taking the advantage of the family pool or the local beach.

Newfoundlands are usually black, or black and white (known as Landseer) they also come in grey or brown. One of the characteristics of Newfoundland that makes it more attractive as a family dog is its wonderful relationship with children. In fact, a Newfoundland will usually name himself as the guardian of any young person in the family, obedient, intelligent and eager to please. Viggo our 4 year old uses her like a pillow!

A new study found that average dog owners walk 22 minutes more per day compared to people who do not have dogs. The benefits of walking include a lower risk of heart disease and premature death. Consider it an opportunity to exercise if you are a proud owner of a Newfoundland because any reluctance in going for a walk often comes from the owner and not this breed. You will need to be ready to buy thick winter jackets suitable for cold frost days and water resistant clothing for wet and rainy days.

Having any type of dog will have great health and social benefits by having a walk with your dog many times a week. The benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, stronger muscles, and bones (built up by walking regularly), lower blood pressure and decreased stress, so what’s not to love!

A regular walk is vitally important for your dog’s health as well. Obesity in a dog is associated with a number of health complaints including osteoarthritis, liver disease, cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance.

Newfoundlands have an outstanding temperament in the sense that they are good, generous, courageous intelligent and loyal. They are also very patient and good with the guests. Newfoundland’s are protective, although they show it by standing between the intruder and its owner instead of barking or growling. Several years ago, in Newfoundland, this bread of dog swam lifelines to save shipwreck victims, pulled carts, and pulled out kids from the water and helping the fishermen pull in their heavy nets. Even though the dog is not usually quite that much of a workaholic nowadays, he still tends to enjoy swimming and hiking.

Newfoundland’s are stubborn dogs, but fortunately, they are very simple to train, but of course when they want to! It is important to understand the mind of the dog and be patient and logical from the beginning. Having a good sense of humour and good analytical skills are the personality that will be most useful to you. A Newfoundland dog is a very good working dog and is very simple to train when you get the correct motivation tools for your dog: whether a treat or toy, although they grow big and fast and Merrie has already cleared the stairgate with ease and every time we make the stairgate taller she jumps over it! If you are extremely house proud, this breed of dog is not for you. If you have a limited budget, maybe consider something smaller as these dogs eat LOTS, and with their size comes bigger bills and inflated costs.

I am extremely biased as I have never considered another breed, but they really are the most wonderful, family friendly giant. Merrie comes on the afternoon school run with us every day, and there is always a huge queue of children waiting to give her a hug or a tummy rub, the only problem we find is that she now takes up the entire pavement!